Raw Vegan Strawberry Cheesecakes
Cheesecake in its healthiest form. So delicious. Makes 12
Crust Ingredients:
1 cup nuts of choice (i used peanuts and almonds so I would have enough moisture from the oil in the peanuts for the crust!)
1/3 cup organic unsweetened coconut shreds
a pinch of salt
1/2 TBSP lemon juice
2 tsp organic cold-pressed unrefined coconut oil
Organic Agave (or honey, if you eat it) *see below for details*
Filling Ingredients:
2 cups cashews (soaked for a few hours or overnight)
1 tsp organic pure vanilla extract
2.5 TBSP lemon juice
2 TBSP organic cold-pressed unrefined coconut oil
1.5 TBSP organic agave (or honey)
1/2 a quart organic strawberries + more for garnish
Blend all crust ingredients in the food processor until it reaches a crust consistency. Add enough agave (or honey, if you eat it) to the mixture for it to begin sticking together. Test this by pinching a bit between your fingers and make sure that it is binding together. Press about 1 heaping TBSP of crust into 12 lined muffin/cupcake molds. Blend your soaked cashews and all remaining ingredients in the food processor until smooth. Pour equal amounts into each mold and smooth the top with a spoon before placing in the freezer until set. **Chocolate drizzle topping is NOT raw. Made by melting Enjoy Life chocolate chips with a bit of coconut oil and drizzling over frozen cheesecakes. Return to freezer to set afterwards!**
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